


Have Your Say on Welsh-medium qualifications

We want to hear from awarding bodies, teachers, assessors and learners on our proposals.

The proposed Conditions and Requirements would mean that:

  • all recognised awarding bodies would need to publish a policy statement specifying whether it makes available, or proposes to make available, qualifications through the medium of Welsh; and
  • any recognised awarding body that does offer Welsh-medium qualifications would be required to promote their availability and facilitate access to them.

These proposals are designed to improve clarity around Welsh-medium qualifications. Qualifications Wales wants to make it easier for learners, schools and colleges to access information on the availability of these qualifications so that they can make informed choices.

It is important that awarding bodies recognise and identify the potential barriers to accessing Welsh-medium qualifications and work towards minimising them. This will enable learners to take qualifications and assessments in the language of their choice.

Qualifications Wales has launched a national conversation to give people in Wales the opportunity to ‘have their say’ on some proposed changes to the way awarding bodies promote Welsh-medium qualifications.   

The consultation will give everyone in Wales the opportunity to have their say; your views will help Qualifications Wales determine the most appropriate regulatory approach to take.

To take part in the consultation, you need to register on Qualifications Wales’s new Have Your Say engagement platform to respond to the proposals online.

Speaking about the launch of the consultation, David Jones, Qualifications Wales Chair said:

“We want to encourage the take-up of Welsh-medium qualifications by learners, schools and colleges, so this means providing choice and making it easy to find information about these qualifications. Everyone should be able to make an informed decision when choosing their qualifications. Additionally, we want awarding bodies to recognise and identify any barriers preventing learners accessing its Welsh-medium qualifications so that we can collectively take action to remove those barriers.

Promoting the availability of Welsh-medium qualifications presents an opportunity for awarding bodies to increase the demand for those qualifications. This should stimulate greater demand, from which everyone can benefit, including employers.

This consultation provides the opportunity for everyone in Wales to have their say and help us shape the promotion of Welsh-medium qualifications. While it will be of particular interest to awarding bodies, it’s very important that learners, schools, and colleges share their thoughts and views on how awarding bodies should promote the availability of Welsh-medium qualifications.”

To take part and have your say, visit: