


Have Your Say on Summer 2023 Exams

Our survey on this summer’s exams is now open, and you can get involved and share your feedback. We want to hear from learners, educators, parents, carers and anyone with an interest in this summer’s exams.

Between now and the end of June, learners across Wales will sit exams for Health and Social Care and Childcare Level 2 and Level 3, and GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in a range of subjects. We are interested to hear what you think about these exams. 

Every year, we run a Have Your Say on Summer Exams survey to capture feedback on the summer exam series, as part of our role to monitor examinations in Wales. The feedback that you provide is really important to us – it allows us to identify any key themes that are raised during the exam series.  It also provides us with valuable insight into your experience of the exam papers, which we can use to inform our future monitoring work. 

The survey is open throughout the exam series and is available through the medium of Welsh and English. It closes a few weeks after the final examinations, on Friday 7 July 2023. 

Respondents can comment on any exam taken within the summer series. The online survey should take around five minutes to complete and all responses are completely anonymous. 

We will monitor the survey responses throughout the series. and publish a summary of the responses later this year, after the results have been published. 

Have your say: