


One month left to influence future 14-16 qualifications in Wales

Qualifications Wales has been engaging with stakeholders across Wales.

Qualifications Wales has been engaging with stakeholders across Wales - from learners to teachers, colleges to politicians, and employers to awarding bodies – on the Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer consultation. There’s now just one month to go to have your say before 14 June, on the proposed range of qualifications for learners aged 14-16 in Wales. 

With the introduction of the new Curriculum for Wales, the range of qualifications is being updated to reflect how and what learners in Wales are now learning. This is a once in a generation opportunity to shape the qualifications of the future for our young people and inspire them to choose the right options for their individual needs and goals. 

Recognising that GCSEs alone won’t cater for the needs of every learner, a broad and inclusive range of qualifications is being proposed with all learners in mind. This innovative, inspiring, and exciting range of qualifications will support the ambitions of the curriculum and meet the needs of employers and learners. 

With new and updated qualifications launching in 2027 and impacting children currently aged 10 and below, Qualifications Wales is inviting you to take part in its public consultation. This is a chance to make a difference and share your opinion on what you like about the proposals for Foundation qualifications, Pre-vocational qualifications, Skills for Life and Work qualifications and an Integral Skills Project qualification (the Skills Suite), as options  alongside GCSEs 

Foundation qualifications will enable learners to progress at their own pace; Pre-vocational qualifications will give young people insight into different occupational areas; and the Skills Suite  will deliver invaluable skills for life and work - such as managing personal finances, understanding mental health, and politics for beginners.  

Qualifications are evolving, so help our young people become qualified for the future and play your part in this exciting reform of qualifications in Wales. Read more about the three proposals and complete the online survey to help shape the qualifications of the future in Wales. Have your say before 14 June 

Gwyneth Sweatman, Head of Public Affairs at FSB Wales, commented: 

“Investing in our future workforce is a shared responsibility, and the success of our economy relies on equipping learners with the right skills. We urge small businesses across Wales to take part in the public consultation on the Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer. Together, we can shape an inclusive education system that empowers young talent and ensures a prosperous future for our economy." 

Cassy Taylor, Director of Qualifications Policy and Reform at Qualifications Wales, said: 

“The qualifications we gain at school influence our future in so many ways. It’s fundamental that we get it right and offer young people a broad range of qualifications for their unique learning styles and individual goals. The Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer has been designed with all learners in mind, to give them skills for life, learning and work. It’s a fantastic opportunity to refresh the qualifications schools can offer for 14-16-year olds as the future workforce in Wales. Everybody’s opinion matters and we want to hear yours. So don’t miss this opportunity to take part in our public consultation for the qualifications of the future.”