


Learners in Wales receive their A level, AS level and vocational qualification results today

AS, A level, vocational and Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate learners in Wales will receive their results today, following the second year that learners have taken external exams and assessments since 2019.

“I’d like to congratulate all learners across Wales as they receive their results. You have demonstrated what you know, understand and can do, and should be very proud of your achievements,” said Philip Blaker, Chief Executive at Qualifications Wales.  

Exams and assessments took place again this summer for the second time since they were cancelled during the pandemic. To support learners during the transition back to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements, advance information was provided and a supportive approach to grading was put in place.  

As intended, this year’s results are broadly midway between those awarded in 2019 (the last year before the pandemic) and 2022 (the first year learners sat exams as we emerged from the pandemic).  This approach to grading was announced at the start of this academic year and marks the next step on the Welsh qualification system’s journey back to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements. 

Qualifications Wales Chief Executive, Philip Blaker, continued: 

"This year, we have taken the next step on our journey back to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements, with some support in place for learners as we transition back to the usual processes. We would particularly like to thank all the schools and colleges for their hard work in supporting learners through this academic year. 

As always, learner progression is a priority. Formal exams and assessments allow learners to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do. The grades that learners achieve measure their attainment and allow them to progress on to their next steps, whether that is into higher education, further education or employment.  

As in every year, some learners may not achieve the grades that they had hoped for. Don’t worry if you haven’t got the grades that you need.  There are many options available and different pathways to explore. Support will be available to learners as they take their next steps.” 

Working Wales offers free, impartial advice on what options are available.  

AS, A level and Skills Challenge Certificate results   

  • results in 2023 were awarded broadly midway between 2019 and 2022 - as per the grading policy approach for this year 
  • 32,960 A level grades were awarded this summer 
  • 13.5% of A level grades issued were grade A*, 34.0% were A*-A and 97.5% were A*-E 
  • for 18-year-olds taking WJEC A levels, 13.2% of grades issued were grade A*, 33.7% were A*-A and 97.7% were A*-E 
  • 40,706 AS grades were awarded this summer 
  • 25.5% of AS grades issued were grade A and 90.9% were A-E 
  • for 17-year-olds taking WJEC AS levels, 25.7% of grades issued were grade A and 90.8% were A-E 

The full details of results for A level, AS and the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate in Wales are available on the Qualifications Wales website. There is also additional background information on how qualifications were awarded this year and help and support for learners as they consider their next steps.