


Pob Lwc to all learners taking exams and assessments

Everyone at Qualifications Wales would like to say a huge ‘pob lwc’ (good luck) to all learners taking exams and assessments this year.

This year is the second official Pob Lwc Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of all learners across Wales that have worked hard studying for their qualifications and wish them good luck as the summer exam series begins.  

Part of the joint Power Up campaign in partnership with Welsh Government, WJEC, Careers Wales and E-sgol, Pob Lwc Day is all about supporting learners, teachers, parents and carers of those who are taking exams and assessments this year. 

Today is all about celebrating the efforts that every learner has made to prepare for their exams and assessments. Join us and wish pob lwc to any learners you know that are taking exams and assessments this summer. 

Last year, learners in Wales sat formal exams and assessments for the first time since the start of the pandemic. This summer, the journey back to pre-pandemic GCSE, AS and A level arrangements continues. Exams are taking place again during May and June, with non-examination assessments having already been completed in many subjects. 

Exams and assessments allow learners to earn qualifications that measure what they know, understand, and can do. And the qualifications they earn will support them to take their next steps and progress into continued education or employment. 

If you’re taking exams and/or assessments this summer – pob lwc! You have already come so far in your educational achievements – good luck with your next steps. 

For more information on this year’s exams and assessments, plus access to revision resources, wellbeing support and careers advice, visit the Power Up website.