


We’re planning for exams to take place in summer 2022

Now that the new academic year has started, I know that teenagers due to take qualifications in 2022 are keen to know if there will be exams next summer.

We announced earlier in the year that there will be exams in summer 2022, and that’s still the case. WJEC has already put in place changes to GCSEs, A levels and some AS levels for summer 2022. 

The changes made have been developed to reflect the disruption to education over the last 18 months and anticipate some continued disruption as we enter the new academic year. 

Schools and colleges were informed of these changes before the end of the summer term and these details are available on WJEC’s website.  

But – and in these uncertain times there must always be a ‘but’ – our plans for exams could be disrupted if the pandemic causes further major disruption, such as lengthy lockdowns leading to the extended closure of schools and colleges. 

If circumstances change, we will have back up plans in place. We will say more about this soon. But, like everyone else, we are hoping that they will not be needed. 

By Philip Blaker, Chief Executive of Qualifications Wales