


Your guide to exams and assessments is now available

Qualifications Wales publishes its guide to exams and assessments 2022-23, to give learners the information they need about arrangements for their qualifications.

For those that are taking qualifications this year, exams and assessments are expected to go ahead as planned. Many learners across Wales have recently sat January exams. As the spring term continues, learners will carry on studying for their qualifications during the lead up to summer 2023 exams. Practical and other non-examination assessments will also be carried out.

Preparing for exams and assessments can be a busy time, and many will have questions about the arrangements for their qualifications this year. That’s why we’ve created an updated guide to exams and assessments for qualifications in 2022/2023.

The information in the guide is there to help students understand how their exams and assessments will work this year.

The guide includes lots of helpful information, including:

  • an overview of this year’s arrangements
  • key dates to remember
  • information on grading and advance information
  • links to helpful websites where learners can access revision tips, wellbeing guidance and other support

We hope that learners in Wales taking qualifications this year will find the guide helpful. From everyone at Qualifications Wales, best of luck in your exams and assessments this year.