Fair Access by Design


Release date:



Fair Access by Design

Qualifications Wales and CCEA Regulation have published an update to the guidance document ‘Fair Access by Design’.

This document provides guidance on how good qualification and assessment design can give all learners the fairest possible opportunities to show what they know, understand and can do. Consideration of fair access early in the design of a qualification or assessment can help to reduce the need for subsequent modifications or adjustments. 

It includes examples of how good design can be incorporated. The recommendations in this document are intended to support and complement the best practice of awarding bodies in the design of qualifications and assessment and provide guidance on complying with regulatory requirements. 

Our recent update has been informed by engagement with relevant bodies and represents current best practice in relation to the design of qualifications, the setting of assessments and the use of assistive technology. This update replaces the document published by Welsh Government and CCEA Regulation in 2015.  

Whilst this is not a regulatory document, awarding bodies are expected to give due regard to this guidance, and to use this resource in supporting their work to ensure qualifications are designed to be as accessible as possible.   

We recognise the pace of change in this field, including the understanding of learners’ needs and the use of technological solutions to meet those needs. As such, we will keep this guidance under review and welcome input at any time. If you have any feedback on the guide, please let us know by emailing policy@qualificationswales.org